Monday, August 28, 2006

Dodgeball Anyone?

Not sure if anyone has heard of this new service by Google called dodgeball.
The Seattle PI did a great article on the text messaging social networking service that featured my friend Brian Westbrook
You can read the article here

Here are some quotes from the article about the service
"Dodgeball, one of the early pioneers of the service, merges text messaging, mobile phones and social networking à la Friendster and MySpace into one, allowing the extroverted and tech-addicted to hook up in real time and track one another's social hopping throughout any given day or night.

When you're out, you send a text message to Dodgeball (or 36343), telling it where you are. Dodgeball then broadcasts your location, including the address, in a text message to everyone in your network, allowing your friends to find you. It also alerts you when other Dodgeball users -- friends of your friends -- are within 10 blocks of you, giving you the chance to introduce yourself."

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