Thursday, July 19, 2007

Time for me to lose some Weight

Well my daily routine of working 10 hours a day on my computer have slowly started to take its toll. After trying to find a work out partner and failing, I finally decided to hire a Personal Trainer on Capitol Hill.

The goal is 15% body fat in one Month, down from my current 22%. I will be posting my progress over the course of the next month.

Anyone else working on something similar?


Anonymous said...

Hi Alex! I don't think I've ever really talked to you, but you're my friend on myspace (I'm Chrisann's girlfriend). I've been seeing a personal trainer for about 2 1/2 months now, and am on a low carb/sugar diet. I'm seeing great results! (I had one of those..."muffin tops"...that I'd been cultivating for the past few years. Sick.) Sudden exercise and eating better can be a real shock to your system at first, but after a couple weeks it's pretty much smooth sailing. So, hang in there and good luck!

Kellan said...

Good luck :) Slash out the Sunday pizza and we should be good :) Haha I bet the rest of the crew wouldn't like that. If you ever come to 24 hour, let me know. I am always open to a work out partner. I have a free trial for anyone also.

I've been on a work out plan, pretty solid since the middle of May. I had my body fat checked June 1 and plan to get it done again on August 1 to see if I have achieved results :)

Anonymous said...

Gee, you had a workout partner a year ago :-P